


Physicians rely on a wide variety of diagnostic imaging modalities such as Ultrasound, CT, MRI, and PET to aid in diagnosis and to monitor the progress of treatments. However, many times they fail to assist in being able to provide an exact clinical diagnosis. For example, TB of the abdomen, peritoneal secondaries, post-operative adhesions, endometriosis, abdominal cancer, etc cannot be diagnosed with these tests and require direct visualization. For direct visual examination of the peritoneal cavity, the patient has to undergo a diagnostic laparotomy or diagnostic laparoscopy under general anesthesia.

A laparotomy requires a large incision for direct visualization of the organs. Diagnostic Laparoscopy involves the examination of the peritoneal cavity and some of its contained organs using light and endoscope similar to those of a cystoscope. Access is gained using a trocar pushed through the abdominal cavity into the peritoneal cavity avoiding injuring the internal organs like the intestine and major vessels like the aorta or inferior vena cava. The peritoneal cavity is inflated using gas to create space for visualization.

These procedures are not only a major psychological burden for the patient but also expensive and have significant morbidity associated with them. Further, there is always a risk of additional complications related to anesthesia and the procedure itself like injury to internal organs during the procedure and post operative wound infection etc.

Operating rooms & laparoscopic equipment and diagnostic tools like CT, MRI & PET require significant investment, maintenance and are generally available only in major cities and secondary and tertiary hospitals.

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